Active Albania
Active Albania
Active Albania
Active Albania
Active Albania

Active Albania

45Tirana, Albania


Duration3 Hours
Visit hoursSun to Sat, 09:00 to 20:00
Price rangeEconomic


In a Europe that’s been tamed and explored, with rules and order in every single corner – from the supermarket to the bus stop – Albania is the last defender of the rugged. A place where the mountains have no roads, the rivers flow wild, and the beaches unspoiled by the concrete and promenades of the West. Where adventure isn’t guided by velvet ropes or lonely planet guides, but simply by the feet in your shoes, and the spirit in your heart. Where a holiday can melt away your routine, and reinvigorate your zest for the undiscovered and the grit of nature beyond the maps. Discover the adventurous, mysterious, un-tamed, Albania through our daily trips or outdoor tours.


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How to get there

AddressTirana 1001 Albania
Call number+355 67 500 009

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