Fork & Pipe
Fork & Pipe
Fork & Pipe
Fork & Pipe
Fork & Pipe

Fork & Pipe

30Riyadh, Saudi Arabia


Duration2 Hours
Visit hoursSun to Sat, 09:00 to 20:00


Fork & Pipe is a discrete sanctuary, with stylish landscaping and calming botanical features. Guests are provided a lush setting to unwind and enjoy a selection of Arabic and Mediterranean sharing plates and tea inspired programs in a sophisticated, outdoor terrace setting. Designed to resemble a maze, the private garden environment evokes a mysterious and modern vibe, ideal for evening on the town. Friends can catch sunsets over homemade desserts with VIP presentations replete with sparklers and perfect for celebrations, as well as board games per table and feet-tapping beats from the live DJ.


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How to get there

AddressKing Fahad Road Jw Marriott Hotel Riyadh, Riyadh 13315-2174 Saudi Arabia
Call number+966 11-5117889

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